
Showing posts from December, 2021

André Onana:football was being taken away from me

In an exclusive interview with a popular sports website GOAL the Cameroon No.1 reveals how deeply he was affected by his nine-month suspension, and how he got through it Sometimes, seemingly insignificant decisions can change the course of a person's life. Having got ill in October last year, Andre Onana looked in his cabinet to find something to ease his discomfort. In a hurry he took his wifes medicine which led to his woes that made him get a 12 month ban from Uefa that was later reduced to 9 after an appeal. That was of little consolation to Onana, who was left devastated by being ostracised from the game he loves. "I am a human being who was away from my friends, family and football. This time in my life has been dark and tough," Onana admits in an exclusive interview with. "I want to say, with these things, the young guys need to be careful as it can happen to anyone. They need to pay attention because sh*t happens in life. "When it

Aubameyang stripped off Arsenal's Captaincy

Arsenal football club has stripped off Pierre Emeric Aubameyang off the captainacy role.In a club statement in its official website all but confirmed the news. "Following his latest disciplinary breach last week, Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang will no longer be our club captain, and will not be considered for selection for Wednesday's match against West Ham United. We expect all our players, particularly our captain, to work to the rules and standards we have all set and agreed".  The statement read. Aubameyang becomes the second player to be stripped off the field captain leadership after Granit Xhaka was also stripped off the role recently.

UEFA realeases Statement after UCL draw is termed void

Following a decision on a re-draw of the UCL knockout stage, Europe's soccer body UEFA has released the following statement on why the draw will be redone. "Following a technical problem with the software of an external service provider that instructs the officials as to which teams are eligible to play each other, a material error occurred in the draw for the UEFA Champions League Round of 16. As a result of this, the draw has been declared void and will be entirely redone at 15.00 CET today, Monday 13 December 2021. The draw will be streamed live on We apologise for the inconvenience this may have caused". The statement read.